Bad Posture Productions (BPP) is a production collective dedicated to exploring and creating movement-based art films. Led by director Jasmine Ellis, cinematographer Ray Demski and dance artist Merryn Kritzinger. BPP began in Berlin in 2007. Shapeshifting for each project many talented artists have been involved with the projects throughout the years.
Filmography includes; Deerman (2024), Fringe ( 2022), Tanz in Oberaurdorf ( 2021), Toni (2021), Onomatopoeia (2021), Is Susan Lonely? (2020), lockdown (2020), Flail (2020), Thursday (2020), Tacete / Leo Betzl Trio (2020), Yove (2019), Cargo (2017), U-turn (2015), Method of Loci (2014), Informatie (2012), Couch (2011), Zeit Tee (2011), Plan B (2011), Everyday (2011), Drift (2007)
For jobs, commissions and collaborations: